5 Reasons to Wear Hair Extensions
To us at Spectrum One, hair extensions are a style staple. Good extensions are just as important as a good outfit and we’ll never be without ours! Extra-long hair is basically part of our identity now. Clearly, we’re not the only ones who think that way judging by their ever-increasing popularity. Everyone wears them, regardless of who they are or where they’re from. From us regular women (well, we’d never count ourselves as regular, but you know what we mean) to reality TV stars, to the famous faces of Hollywood; everyone’s got them. But why are these little strips of hair so popular? What is it about them that makes girls swoon? Well, let us tell you everything we know about why extensions are fabulous, and this is all coming straight from the heart.
The most obvious reason we ladies just love to wear extensions is because of their length-boosting abilities. Remember those awkward days when you’d get a bob, realise you hate it, and now had to wait for your hair to pass all those terrible lengths before it looked reasonable again? Well, you don’t have to put up with it anymore. Awkward lengths have been abolished! Just pop in extensions and you’re good to go. Some of us also have a tough time growing hair past a certain length. It just seems to stop in the same place every time and give up, but we want hair down to our hips! Once again, extensions solve that problem. Basically, they’re great for when you have short hair and you want it long.
Thin, flat hair is not a look. It had a brief moment in the 00’s when everyone bought their first GHDs, but it’s been done for a very long time now. Just leave it. Instead, it’s all about the volume and getting your hair big and bouncy (think Gemma Collins or Jessie from Little Mix). If you have thin hair, extensions can be a great way to bring some ‘oomph’ into your look and liven things up. By adding more hair, it’ll look fuller and be less likely to just stick to your head. Though make sure you get them put in professionally or you could find a sneaky bond or two showing through. Even for girls who don’t have thin hair, extensions can still add extra volume. A lot of women find their hair gets a little straggly as it gets to the bottom, but extensions can be added to make sure it’s thick all the way through. Just how we like it!
A lot of hair is quite stubborn when you try to make it do something. Add curls to straight hair and they’ll fall straight back out or straighten curly hair and get ready for some frizzy waves! With extensions, you get more say over what you can do. You can get pre-treated extensions that have waves, curls or are completely dead-straight. We girls get bored with what we’re born with, so shake things up from time to time with extensions.
Having that extra length, volume and texture not looks great on its own, but it also opens you up to a whole new world of style opportunity! Whereas before you were probably stuck with a few looks that you could chop and change between, your options are now limitless. From braids to messy buns, high ponytails to french plaits, you can do so much more with longer hair! Extensions are also generally easier to manage than your own hair, making these looks easier to achieve.
If you’re considering a little change in hair colour but have pre-dye-jitters, extensions are a great way to add some different tones without the commitment. You can also try out different looks before you go in with the dye, giving you a chance to play around and find what’s best. A salon can dye your extensions and blend them in with your natural hair, creating highlights, lowlights, and even funky effects like Ombre. Professionals – like us at Spectrum One – are experts at adding different coloured extensions that look natural and classy, rather than obvious and trashy. We wouldn’t recommend trying to add different tones yourself as it is pretty tricky to get it right, but we’re always here to do it for you!
Quickly add length to short hair

Voluminous hair

Play with Textures

Different Styles for Extensions

Add Different Tones with Hair Extensions